Is your water safe to drink? The Water Metal
Check can readily determine if your drinking water has heavy metals. The test uses a very sensitive non-specific
indicator that detects many common heavy metals of concern. Because of the sensitivity of this test, all tap water
that passes through a metal pipe will read 20 ppb or higher for heavy metals. When testing filtered or reverse
osmosis (RO) system-purified water, the heavy metal test should read <10 ppb; this confirms that your system is
functioning properly. Additonally, bottled water should read <10 ppb.
Water Metals Check
A broad range of heavy metal metal concentrations can be measured with the SenSafe™ Water Metals
This test strip tests for: Copper, Cobolt, Zinc, Cadmium, Nickel,
Lead, Mercury and other toxic metals.
Accurate results are obtained quickly, making the new Water
Metals Check test strip ideal for water treatment and filter evaluation use. Strips are packaged in either bottles
or foil packets labeled with an easy-to-use, detailed color chart.
This patented test is a very attractive alternative to wet chemical Iodine tests
for several reasons. WA mechanical reader is NOT required, accurate results are achieved in under one minute, and
best of all, this product is safe and easy to use since there are no chemicals to mix, an MSDS is not required, and
the indicator is noncarcinogenic.
Sensitivity: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 400 ppb (ug/L)
Total Test Time: 2 minutes, 30 seconds
How to use metals check test strip:
1. Dip 1 test
strip into a 20 ml water sample for 30 seconds
2. Take strip out
and shake it to remove excess water
3. Wait 2 minutes,
and match with closest color on the color chart (included).
US Patent 6541369
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