City-Check Deluxe Water Sample Testing
City-Check Deluxe : Comprehensive water sample testing for families located
in cities that use surface water.
Simple at home or business water collection
helps protect your family.
The City-Check Deluxe water sample
testing package is for families on municipal water supplies who are concerned about pesticides and
herbicides. This package includes everything in the Basic and Standard City-Check water testing packages, and
adds on a list of 20 pesticides, herbicides and PCBs that are tested.
Pesticides and herbicides are more likely to be found in water
supplies that utilize surface water as a source rather than groundwater, due to run-off from agricultural areas.
City-Check Deluxe-
Water Sample Testing:
- 17 metals/minerals
- 6 inorganic compounds
- 4 physical characteristics
- 16 disinfectants and disinfection by-products of
- 47 volatile organic compounds
- 20 pesticides, herbicides and PCBs
Item: 9503
Price: $236.00 + $10.95 Shipping
Click here to view a sample report of the City-Check Deluxe Water Sample
National Testing Labs
will send you a test kit that contains all of the materials needed to collect the water. They provide detailed
instructions on how to collect your sample and where to return it. What is NOT included in the test kit is the
return shipping of the water sample. This kit requires overnight shipment of the water sample back to the lab for
analysis. The lab will be happy to extend their UPS rates to you - just call us before you are ready
to collect your sample and they can email a return label at that time.
Call them at 1-800-458-3330 and ask for return shipping rates.

Assess, Don't Guess!
Click on the image to the right or the arrow below to learn more
or order your City-Check Deluxe Water Sample Testing directly from National Testing Laboratories.
Clicking on these images will open a new internet window and take you to the laboratory website. Once there
click on the green button to "See Our Products".
Keith Bishop, Clinical Nutritionist is available
for consultations if you need assistance for heavy
metal and toxin health concerns.
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Test Kits