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Aluminum Toxicity: Aluminum is naturally present in some drinking water and may be added as a chlorination preparation at water utilities.
Antimony Toxicity - Antimony poisoning symptoms, sources and effects in the body.
Arsenic Toxicity and Arsenic Poisoning: CDC and EPA state side effects of low dose long term exposure to Arsenic include cancer, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain,
Barium Toxicity: Exposure has been associated with high blood pressure, brain swelling, heart damage, and breathing problems.
Symptoms of bismuth toxicity include confusion, decreased appetite, weight loss, weakness, joint pain, skin rash, tremors, diarrhea, staining on gums.
Cadmium Toxicity: Short term and long term exposure to cadmium is animals and humans may cause high blood pressure, anemia and kidney effects.
Calcium Toxicity: Calcium can be a nuisance as it contributes to the hardness of the water and build up on pipes or water heaters and may inhibit their performance.
Symptoms of Cesium Toxicity include fatigue, muscle weakness, palpitations and arrhythmia.
Chromium toxicity has been shown to result in dermatitis, ulceration of skin or liver, and kidney damage in animals and humans by ingestion.
Copper Toxicity: Copper in water can become toxic and increases the risk of many health problems including most cancers, heart disease, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and diarrhea.
Gallium toxicity symtoms, sources and treatments.
Germanium Toxicity Symptoms, Interactions and Sources
Heavy metal toxicity is directly or indirectly linked to health issues and diseases many people suffer from including cancer.
Are You a Heavy Metal Toxicity Victim? Read the following heavy metals information and links for heavy metal poisoning symptoms.
Iron toxicity in water.
The EPA states that you should test your water because the primary sources of lead toxicity in your drinking water are corroding pipes, connections and brass components of household piping systems.
Mercury Toxicity Poisoning Sources, Physiological Interactions, Symptoms of Excessive Exposure.
Nickel toxicity symptoms, interactions in the body and sources.
Niobium toxicity symptoms and sources.
Platinum toxicity symptoms and sources.
Tellurium toxicity symptoms, interactions in the body and toxic sources.
Thallium toxicity symptoms, interactions in the body and toxic sources.
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Helping People Improve Their Health Naturally Since
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My Mission
Provide you with accurate information, economical and
effective tests
and products to evaluate your body and water for toxic metals and remove them if
Keith D. Bishop
Clinical Nutritionist
B.Sc. Pharmacy Health Coach©
