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The toxic chemicals dichlorobromomethane (from chlorine), inorganic lead, and endosulfan are associated with adverse birth outcomes and defects. Researchers found that these chemicals are absorbed by the skin, breathing the steam and drinking the water. [3]
Here’s what the EPA states about the metal pipes, joints, connections and faucets in your home…
“Household plumbing materials are the most common source of lead and copper in home drinking water. Corrosive water may cause metals in pipes or soldered joints to leach into your tap water. Your water’s acidity or alkalinity (often measured as pH) greatly affects corrosion. Temperature and mineral content also affect how corrosive it is. They are often used in pipes, solder, or plumbing fixtures. Lead can cause serious damage to the brain, kidneys, nervous system, and red blood cells. The age of plumbing materials — in particular, copper pipes soldered with lead — is also important. Even in low amounts these metals can be harmful” [5]
Your water is corrosive if its pH is less than 7.0. Higher water temperature, typical for bath and showers, dissolves the lead in the pipes and fixtures. The high water temperature dilates the blood vessels in the skin and encourages the absorption of toxins through your skin. You can test your drinking water, bath water, shower water and office water for lead.
A chemical known as Chloramine (chlorine + ammonia) is popular as a replacement for chlorine in drinking water distribution. Water in copper pipes treated with chloramine release higher amounts of lead than water not treated with chloramine. Higher water temperatures also increase the release of lead. Lead is also common in the solder connections found in residences and business built prior to 1986. Copper concentrations are highest in water that is acidic, pH less than 7.0 [6] [7]
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “approximately one in eight Americans is exposed to potentially harmful microbes, pesticides, lead, or radioactive radon whenever they drink a glass of tap water or take a shower.” [8]
You can filter your drinking and bathing water to significantly decrease your copper and lead exposure. You can also remove the toxic metals from your body by doing oral chelation. Lead is a persistent toxic metal and associated with impairment of various body functions in occupational workers. Workers exposed to lead had: [9] · Increase oxidative stress (malondialdehyde (MDA)) · Elevate hsCRP, uric acid, phosphate and liver enzyme (ALT) · Lower hemoglobin, serum albumin, total proteins and glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
Exposed to lead or testing positive for toxic metals? Ask your doctor for a metabolic panel, CBC and hsCRP to see if the lead is damaging your cells, body functions or increasing your risk for a heart attack or stroke.
The main source of lead in drinking water is leaching from lead piping and lead solders in copper pipes. Lead enters primarily in areas having soft, acidic waters. When elevated lead levels are found, consult a physician. Children and fetuses are especially sensitive to lead poisoning. [10]
How to test your water for Lead Toxicity: WaterCheck - Home Water Quality Test
How to treat your water for Lead Toxicity: Restricted flow Activated Carbon, Distillation or Reverse Osmosis[10]
Additional Information on Lead Poisoing and Toxicity Sources, Symptoms, and Effects in the Body
[1] http://www.merck.com/mmpe/sec21/ch326/ch326j.html accessed 11/08/08. [2] http://www.merck.com/mmpe/sec21/ch326/ch326j.html accessed 11/08/08. [3] Kim E, Little JC, Chiu N. Estimating exposure to chemical contaminants in drinking water. Environ Sci Technol. 2004 Mar 15;38(6): 1799-806 . [6] Chloramine Decay & Metal Release in Copper Pipes at Varying Temperatures, pH and Chloramine Concentrations. Jeffrey Nicholson, Dr. Marc Edwards, Charles E. Via Jr. Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University [7] The Effect of Water Chemistry on the Solubility and Properties of Freshly Precipitated Copper Solids, EPA. [8] Jobson MD, Grimm SE 3rd, Banks K, Henley G., The effects of water filtration systems on fluoride: Washington , D.C. metropolitan area. ASDC J Dent Child. 2000 Sep-Oct;67(5): 350-4, 302, 304. [9] Lead-induced oxidative stress adversely affects health of the occupational workers. Khan D, Qayyum S, Saleem S, Khan F.Toxicol Ind Health. 2008 Oct;24(9):611-618. [10] National Testing Laborotories Corrective Action Brochure.
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