Are You a Heavy Metal Toxicity
Read the following heavy metals information and links for heavy metal poisoning
Excessive heavy metal
toxins increase oxidative damage and displace essential minerals. Both of these effects can have serious consequences in your
Heavy metal toxicity happens more often than you may think. Continue
reading to see what
U.S. and World health groups know about heavy metal
The World Health
Organization (WHO 1974, Florence, Italy) estimated that at least 90% of all chronic diseases can
be attributed to environmental pollution in one way or
- Heavy
metal toxicity may reduce the efficacy of medical treatment by up to
Metal toxicity is a major cause of the production of
damaging free radicals as well as undermining the internal environment and body chemistry.
There is little hope
for antioxidants and mineral supplements to do their job properly, if the body is burdened with heavy

Do you have a heavy metal toxicity in
your body or water?
It's easy
to test for metals in your urine
, home,
business and bottled
Order your
Heavy Metal Screening Test
 "I have found that over 80% of my clients have high amounts of toxic
metals. One common health concern is copper and lead heavy metal
toxicity that comes from our home and business water supply. We absorb these toxic metals when we
drink and bathe in unfiltered water."
Keith D. Bishop, Clinical Nutritionist, B.Sc.
Note the concerns of the U.S. Government
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). "Ingesting high levels
of copper can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Very-high doses of copper can cause damage to your liver and
kidneys, and can even cause death. Studies in animals suggest that high levels of copper may cause a decrease
in fetal growth."
The ATSDR also states
that the most likely place to be exposed to toxic levels of copper is through
your drinking
water, especially if your water is corrosive and you have copper pipes in your house.(3)
Drinking water may have high levels of copper if your
house has copper pipes and acidic water. Your water is acidic if its pH
is less than 7.0. Test your water pH to see if it is acidic.
Yes, even the water
in your home could be your source of heavy metal toxicity and a contributing cause of
your health problems!
The Heavy Metal Screening
Test is designed to be an effective
component of your comprehensive health regime. Used in concert with other therapies proven to minimize the
effects of environmental pollution, Heavy Metals Screening Test allows you, the health conscious consumer, to
accurately assess your wellness action plan and take control of your
Order your
Heavy Metal Screening Test using PayPal today!
- Aluminum Toxicity
Aluminum Toxicity: Aluminum is naturally present in some drinking water and may be added as a chlorination preparation at water utilities.
- Arsenic Toxicity and Arsenic Poisoning: What are the symptoms?
Arsenic Toxicity and Arsenic Poisoning: CDC and EPA state side effects of low dose long term exposure to Arsenic include cancer, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain,
- Antimony Toxicity
Antimony Toxicity - Antimony poisoning symptoms, sources and effects in the body.
- Barium Toxicity
Barium Toxicity: Exposure has been associated with high blood pressure, brain swelling, heart damage, and breathing problems.
- Bismuth Toxicity
Symptoms of bismuth toxicity include confusion, decreased appetite, weight loss, weakness, joint pain, skin rash, tremors, diarrhea, staining on gums.
- Cadmium Toxicity
Cadmium Toxicity: Short term and long term exposure to cadmium is animals and humans may cause high blood pressure, anemia and kidney effects.
- Calcium Toxicity
Calcium Toxicity: Calcium can be a nuisance as it contributes to the hardness of the water and build up on pipes or water heaters and may inhibit their performance.
- Cesium Toxicity
Symptoms of Cesium Toxicity include fatigue, muscle weakness, palpitations and arrhythmia.
- Chromium toxicity
Chromium toxicity has been shown to result in dermatitis, ulceration of skin or liver, and kidney damage in animals and humans by ingestion.
- Copper Toxicity - What are the symptoms?
Copper Toxicity: Copper in water can become toxic and increases the risk of many health problems including most cancers, heart disease, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and diarrhea.
- Heavy Metal Toxicity - What are the symptoms?
Heavy metal toxicity is directly or indirectly linked to health issues and diseases many people suffer from including cancer.
- Germanium Toxicity
Germanium Toxicity Symptoms, Interactions and Sources
- Iron Toxicity - what are the symptoms?
Iron toxicity in water.
- Lead Toxicity - What are the symptoms?
The EPA states that you should test your water because the primary sources of lead toxicity in your drinking water are corroding pipes, connections and brass components of household piping systems.
- Mercury Toxicity
Mercury Toxicity Poisoning Sources, Physiological Interactions, Symptoms of Excessive Exposure.
- Nickel Toxicity
Nickel toxicity symptoms, interactions in the body and sources.
- Gallium Toxicity
Gallium toxicity symtoms, sources and treatments.
- Niobium Toxicity
Niobium toxicity symptoms and sources.
- Platinum Toxicity
Platinum toxicity symptoms and sources.
- Tellurium Toxicity
Tellurium toxicity symptoms, interactions in the body and toxic sources.
- Thallium Toxicity
Thallium toxicity symptoms, interactions in the body and toxic sources.
(1) Ozcelik D, Uzun H., Copper Intoxication; Antioxidant Defenses and Oxidative Damage
in Rat Brain. Biol Trace Elem
2008 Sep 12
(2) Taysi S, Demircan B, Akdeniz N, Atasoy M, Sari RA., Oxidant/antioxidant status in
men with Behçet's disease. Clin Rheumatol
. 2007 Mar;26(3):418-22.
(3) ATSDR CAS # 7440-50-8
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