The Improved Heavy Metal Test allows to to make informed decisiions about Toxic Heavy
Order a heavy
metal test kit for each person in your family and each water source.
If you test positive for heavy metals you should test
each person in your family and each source of your water including drinking, bath, shower,
pool, spa/hot tub, filtered shower, and filtered
drinking water.
You can use the heavy metal test kit to verify the effectiveness
of your water filter. An effective water filter will remove copper an lead and provide negative green color result
in your test.
Photo above demonstrates Copper
Bonus Offer - Free Report
Purchase your Heavy Metal Test and receive the free report Lowering Heavy Metal
Toxicity. Discover effective ways to lower your toxic heavy metal levels. I use this
report for each of my clients that have high levels of toxic heavy metals.
If your water is acidic, pH less than 7.0, it may corrode and
leach the copper and lead from the metal pipes, solder, faucets and valves in your home. You can
absorb copper and lead from the water you drink, bathe and swim in.
1 Heavy Metal Screening Test $15.95
each |
$15.95 |
2 Heavy Metal Screening Tests $14.95
each |
$29.90 |
3 Heavy Metal Screening Tests $13.95
each |
$41.85 |
4 Heavy Metal Screening Tests $12.95 each |
$51.80 |
5 Heavy Metal Screening Tests $11.95 each |
$59.75 |
In stock. Ready for immediate
The Heavy Metal
Screening Test is shipped to continental USA
via USPS Priority mail. You typically will receive your
heavy metal testing kit in 3 to 5 business days.
Shipping cost is $6.95 per order. Save money by ordering 4
or 5 tests.
Add the Heavy Metal Screening Test Kit to your PayPal shopping cart

Click on the links below for additional information about heavy metal testing.
Heavy Metal Test
Heavy Metal Testing
Heavy Metal Urine Test Procedure
Water Heavy Metal Test Procedure
Heavy Metal Test Science
Purchase Heavy Metal Test

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