the Science behind
the Heavy Metal Test
Dr. Joachim Leman
Medical Laboratory Expert –Toxicologist Germany
Heavy Metal Test
In the eyes of a chemist, this test is composed of two essential
chemical steps. The first one is a complex forming reaction between metal ions and Dithizone at the phase
border separating aqueous solution and Testsol-phase; the second one is an extraction of the performed complex
into the organic layer. The two essential steps as well as the preceding one and the evaluation procedures are
very common processes in analytical chemistry and form part of many other determination methods used in
clinical chemistry.
Dithizone (1,5-Diphenylthiocarbazone) is a current reagent since
it was introduced in trace-analytical chemistry in 1925. It is excellently suited for trace determination of
one- to three valent ions of several transition metals. The formed complexes vary in composition and color
depending on pH and dipole strength of the solvent in use. Thus they can be applied for the discrimination of
different elements and their quantification by colorimetric.
Testsol is a proprietary product, which joins the advantages of
ecological harmlessness, lack of toxicity and inflammability under normal conditions, whereas the
chloromethanes used up to now are highly toxic and ecologically objectionable.
The comparative colorimetric evaluation is performed by matching
color panels with printed colors based on the Pantone code defined colors of pure complexes. In our hands this
match was astonishingly reliable.
We thoroughly investigated the sensitivity and specificity of
the HMST- system and we can furnish the proof at any time that the detection of the claimed individual metal
species of toxicological relevance is possible at the lower ppm- level. Under favorable circumstances we
could detect metal ions even at the ppb –level. Thus one can obtain important preliminary information for
clinical decisions in the medical cabinet or during a bed-side-examination.
The high sensitivity of this test-kit is naturally dependent on
the correct test-execution and prone to failure due to e.g. omitted pH-adjustments, shortened waiting periods
or wrong consecution of additions.
So you can see that there is no room for any doubts concerning
the respectability and reliability of the HMST Test-Kit. It is based on a scientifically approved method and
suitable for clinical purposes so that health insurance companies are supposed to refund the costs for its
Yours sincerely,
Dipl.-Chem.Dr.rer.nat. Joachim Leman
Further Excerpts from Expert Evaluations of Heavy Metal
[ ... ]
We thoroughly investigated the test system with regard to its sensitivity and its specificity and found
consistent evidence that it is possible to detect individual toxicologically relevant metals in urine or water
specimens in the range of a few ppm, at times even fractions of one ppm. This makes it possible to obtain on the
spot clinically important preliminary data [ ... ]
(J. Lemann, Dr. rer.nat., Toxicologist and Medical Expert, Institute for Toxicology and Medical Laboratory
Diagnostics, Hirschberg , Germany
[ ... ]
This report is intended to be an independent assessment of the claims of performance of a novel detection
system for some transition metals. These materials are commonly known as toxic or heavy metals. [...]
it was found that the system shows remarkable sensitivity for such a simple procedure [ ... ]
(K.H. Bell, Ph.D., Professor and Head, Department of Chemistry, The University of Newcastle, NSW,
Australia )
[ ... ] Until the beginning of the nineteen-seventies this
reagent was in predominant use for the detection of heavy metal traces in the water supply. It is a certified
German Government Standard procedure for water supply analyses. [ ... ]
(G. Schwedt, Dr. rer.nat., Professor and Director, Institute for Inorganic and
Analytical Chemistry, Technical University of Clausthal, Germany)

Bonus Offer - Free Report
Purchase your Heavy Metal Test and receive the free
report Lowering Heavy Metal Toxicity. Discover effective ways
to lower your toxic heavy metal levels. I use this report for each of my clients that have high
levels of toxic heavy metals.

Click on the links below for additional information about heavy metal testing.
Heavy Metal Test
Heavy Metal Testing
Heavy Metal Urine Test Procedure
Water Heavy Metal Test Procedure
Heavy Metal Test Science
Purchase Heavy Metal Test

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